Dr. Gemechis Gudina is a founder and general manager of WENNI Consult. He has started career at grassroots level and made his way to national and international posts. Dr. Gemechis has strong theoretical background (PhD in Risk and Emergency Management) and hands-on experience in humanitarian and development assistance, resilience, emergency preparedness, livelihoods/food security, disaster risk management and climate change adaptation. He loves working on the nexus of development and resilience to disaster risk; and strong passion to work with needy people at grassroots level. He is well familiar with gender issues and experience in integrating gender into programming. He has about 14 years’ work experience with a wide range of stakeholders ( INGOs and UN agencies) within the broad spectrum of development and humanitarian issues in context of farming society, pastoralists, refugees and host communities.
Dr. Gemechis has led and conducted dozens of operational researches, final and mid-term project evaluations, baseline assessments to provide policy and operational recommendations for INGOs and UN agencies.